We believe the Bible is God’s personal correspondence to His children. It is vital that we know Him through His word. We encourage our members, and anyone who has a desire to know God to read their Bible daily. Here are some reading plans to guide you.

2×2 Daily Reading Plan – a Bible reading plan with 2 books from the Old Testament and 2 books from the New Testament each day.

7 Section Daily Reading Plan – a Bible reading plan that categorizes readings into 7 rotating sections.

Bi the Books Daily Reading Plan – a Bible reading plan with a reading from the Bible and a 2nd reading focusing on the Wisdom books of the Bible each day.

Bible Book Order Daily Reading Plan – a Bible reading plan that reads through the Bible in Book order.

Chronological Book Order Daily Reading Plan – a Bible reading plan that reads though the Bible in chronological order of the events in the Bible.

Daily Bible Reading with Ellen G. White Readings – a Bible reading plan that covers both the Bible and the Conflict of the Ages book series in one year.

Life Journal Daily Reading Plan – this plan takes you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in one year. This is available on the Olive Tree Bible app and at bible.com